Event#69 gRPC Summary
This week on Java club we continued implementing our groundbreaking TicTacToe game using gRPC streams, but we still have some work to do. Git repo:http://bit.ly/2zRvwvc
Wanna see the final result? Join us next Thursday, at 10:00 in Jamaica (room 223)
Event#69 gRPC
This week we will continue implementing our groundbreaking Tic-Tac-Toe game using gRPC streams. GitHub repo: http://bit.ly/2zRvwvc See you on Thursday!
Join us next Thursday, at 10:00 in Jamaica (room 223)
Event#68 Tic Tac Toe Summary
This Thursday we had some fun implementing multiplayer tit tac toe game using gRPC for communication. There a lot more to be done, so we will continue next week. Git repo: http://bit.ly/2zRvwvc
Join us next Thursday, at 10:00 in Jamaica (room 223)